Our top priorties

A Message from Alan Stone – Party Leader


Hello, I am the party leader of Hampshire Independents. We are a group of local people from Hampshire who have grown fed up of the big blue/red machines. We do not think this produces good outcomes for anyone, wooden corporate type politicians who all think in the same way. All of our founders have stood for election as independents or with minor parties which simply lack the resources of the big machines. To run a successful election campaign you need to be a good speaker, writer, copy-writer, secretary, graphic designer, website designer, email list manager and campaigner. We formed Hampshire Independents so we could collaborate together sharing these skills with each of our members. We have a core set of beliefs based on our principals, and we have a broad level of agreement.

We are independents, we dont tell our candidates what to say or how to act, you can read our blog we even disagree with each other from time to time! We support anyone who is willing to stand-up to say and act what they believe to be right.

We will not be the next government, but we can change it for the better!

Steve James-Bailey – Aldershot


In the past I was a candidate for Hampshire Police Commissioner although I was unsuccessful on that occasion, however my life’s career allows me to bring much experience to politics.

As a member of a military family I have visited many countries of the world which have given me a grounding in life sciences, and this has been augmented with regular service in the RAF and Hampshire Police, where I completed a full term. In the recent past I have held my own business in painting and decorating and have been on the board of a successful small business in Basingstoke for some years.

My mission to you as your parliamentary representative would be to service you diligently in all aspects of your life to make it better and consistent with your expectation and desires.

Jim Makin – East Hampshire


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” – Ephesians 6:12

Resident of Petersfield. Retired, following a working life in Information Technology, mainly for manufacturing enterprises using IT to support their businesses

  • Leave the WHO and all putative global governance bodies that are unaccountable to “we the people”. The internal affairs of the UK are a matter for the people of the UK only, through their true representatives in Parliament.
  • Banish political parties from Parliament. They are unaccountable for election promises and plainly controlled by external UN/WEF agencies. Elected MPs should be accountable to their constituents only.
  • Discard the antagonistic tradition of “government” and “opposition”, reform Parliament around policy groups (current prototype: APPGs). We are stronger when we cooperate than when we fight.
  • Delete the Crown Prosecution Service bureaucracy, return responsibility for prosecutions to the police where it belongs.
  • Reform the Police to honour their oath as constables, to serve the people, and to uphold the law without fear or favour.
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Robert Holliday – Fareham and Waterlooville


Robert has lived in Basingstoke, Hampshire for over thirty-five years. He was educated in the North-West, gaining an honours degree and a further degree in Engineering, before moving south to settle in Basingstoke.

In Basingstoke he worked in Engineering Design and Construction, and became a Chartered Engineer. He set up a successful engineering consultancy with others, where he was a director. He has now retired and so can focus more on local issues.

He understands that tax from individuals and business profits fund the support and care for the needy, local amenities, policing and other key infrastructure services. He believes that tax money does not belong to the politicians, it is our money and must be spent wisely and transparently.

He doesn’t own a car and mainly travels by public transport and also on foot. He therefore takes an interest in local and rural transport provision, including provision for pedestrians and cyclists or any who can’t drive. This can be left out of any new residential development or even a local highway improvement/ upgrade schemes.

Robert will be available for you and will strongly support and promote the community in the local council. As your local councillor/MP, Robert will fight for issues that concern you and not a party whip. Robert opposes over-development without appropriate supporting infrastructure, especially any development on our green belt which lacks transport provision. The people should decide if they need more housing – not a parliament that just panders to government-set targets.

Don Jerrard – Farnham and Bordon


I was born and lived for most of my life in Hampshire. I was a partner in a major international law firm where I founded its IP/IT law department and have been a local councillor in Liss and Liphook since 2003.

I stood in the 2012 and 2016 PCC elections because of my concern about the continued collapse of our criminal justice system. I campaigned against the closing of our courts, police stations and post offices. We need these vital local services paid for through our taxes.

It is fundamental to the criminal justice system that the judiciary and the police must be entirely independent of parliament and local councils who pass the laws and make up the rules. I believe it was totally wrong that the PCCs could effectively be chosen by a political party. That was a route to providing unnecessary well paid jobs to retired policemen and clapped-out councillors, and would inevitably lead to cronyism and corruption. That is exactly what has happened in police forces across the country. There was nothing wrong with the old system of local police authorities which were democratic, transparent and much cheaper.

So if elected I shall consult with the major political parties on how to disband the police and crime commissioner system.

Binka Griffin – Hamble Valley


Im Binka Griffin and i am a daughter of an immigrant but i have been born and raised in Hampshire my whole life and went to school locally too. Hampshire is my home and just like everyone else i want to fight to make it better and keep the standard we all expect from the areas we live in. I work full time and rent my own place i am self-sufficient and wish for more people my age to be able to move out and become contributing members of society.

I have passions for the art world, from books to the dramatic arts i believe they are quintessentially important to our culture and to the world in general there is arts in all forms of the world even in the academic world and vice versa.

In the future I would like to see a world where we don’t have to campaign for equal rights because they are free and cost nothing for people to apply to each other in daily life. I would also like to see more effort put into the NHS, it’s all good pumping money into it but without enough doctors, care and people it won’t solve the problems we are facing at the moment. The cost of living crisis also needs to be delt with and i would like to see more work being put into solving it instead of just plugging up the holes when they appear. Minimum wage is also becoming maximum wage companies no longer wish to pay their employees what their time and effort is worth only what they’re legally allowed to pay and why should they when cheaper labour is avaliable.

Hampshire independents is the party for me they allow me to campaign for my policies with guidence but without interference and despite our own personal beliefs we can all unite on one belief which is we want what’s best for our country and we want a country to be proud of.

Phil Heath – North West Hampshire


I am honoured to be nominated as your Independent Parliamentary Candidate in North West Hampshire. I live in the constituency, in St Mary Bourne, a retired Senior Insurance Account Manager in the City of London and most recently a Care Worker in Basingstoke.

I was a Basingstoke Councillor for 20 years, a County Councillor for 12 years, Vice Chairman of Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service and a Police Authority Member for Hampshire Police.

With many years experience in local Government, helping residents with Housing, Planning, Education and Adult Social Care I will be a champion for all residents, working solely for you with no political masters, available for you and supporting you. It’s time we give justice to Waspi women and their pensions, back increases in basic tax allowances, provide more apprenticeships, force water companies to tackle flooding and clean our rivers.

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Andy Liming – Winchester


I am a serving Fire fighter in Hampshire. As well as serving my community in this capacity for nearly 25 years I also spent two years as a Special Constable. During my service I have spent 13 years involved in Youth Intervention helping run two schemes one for cadets and another giving direction to young People. I am married man with children and worry about the future of this country.

I want to see action on the environment, a reduction in the overproduction of packaging and the carbon footprint caused by our obsession with shopping for clothing produced in countries that dont care about the planet. We need to start teaching our children and young adults about 1st aid, self reliance and personal responsibilities. Basic life skills and respect for themselves is not being taught and an unhealthy attitude towards the Police is harvested. I want to break this blueprint for social decline. I have helped many young people who have fallen on the wrong side of the Law, helping them through their different cases to finding work and a place in society. We have to end the cycle of “its my right” and the awful compensation culture that is polluting public life.

I also would like to see more facilities for young people to go to. We have a cadet group at the Fire Station, but funding is always a struggle leaving many young people upset they cannot join. Young people are pushed around, and we are not supporting their educating or showing them how to really enjoy leisure time. They are easy targets for gang culture and very easily finding themselves on the wrong side of the Law.

Some members of our party, Hampshire Independents, are campaigning for legalisation of some drugs, there is a definite link between drugs and criminality. You have to buy them from criminal gangs who only care about the money. They have no social conscience, no health cares and sell product that’s contaminated as a matter of course. There needs to be a serious debate about the current prohibition, the war on drugs has failed.