Lucy’s London Marathon Run for Wessex Heartbeat

On Sunday 3rd October I am due to run the London Marathon on behalf of Wessex Heartbeat. After six months of training I am finally ready to take on what will be my longest run – ever. I am delighted to have chosen to represent a charity which means so much to myself and my family.

In 2016, my mother was referred to Southampton General Hospital for urgent heart surgery. She was struggling to walk and breath normally, which meant that a short walk up the road would completely exhaust her.

In total, she required at least four major operations: from heart valve repairs to a heart valve replacement – and an operation to correct the rhythm of her heart. She was in the operating theatre for most of the day, and afterwards spent a couple of weeks recovering in the hospital.

I am so grateful that the consultant at Frimley Park Hospital referred her when he did because who knows if she would still be here today?!

The charity supported myself and my family throughout her stay in hospital by providing accommodation at their Heartbeat House in Southampton. Thanks to their generosity, I was fortunate to be able to visit my mother at any time – day or night. Without their support, I would have had to have commuted from Farnborough to see her. They therefore saved me lots of time, money, and stress. I’m convinced that it also aided in my mother’s recovery, because she knew that we were close by and could help her with whatever she needed.

Today she is fully recovered and is exercising regularly, which is great to see because she is so much happier and healthier. Plus, she has made new friends by joining regular cardiac rehabilitation classes. These classes provide invaluable advice, support, education, and physical activities to help people to take control of their health and wellbeing.

As this year is the fifth anniversary of my Mum’s operation, I am thrilled to be fundraising for Wessex Heartbeat, so that more people can benefit from their amazing support. They literally change peoples’ lives.

To donate to my fundraising page, please visit:

Wessex Heartbeat:

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